LDAP compatibility of Linux ABI on FreeBSD

研究室のFreeBSD環境では、ユーザ認証にLDAPを使っていることが災いして、Linux ABIで acroread とかを使えなかったんだけど、今日はそれを解決した。わーい。
I have a LDAP server, but no NIS server in my lab for passwd database. LDAP is quite convenient way to manage passwd database since it’s compatible with both of recent Unix-based systems and samba. However, it requires nss_ldap or similar mechanisms, usually not included in base system.
My problem was Linux ABI on FreeBSD boxes in my lab. Linux ABI has built-in NIS compatibility, but no LDAP compatibility. It’s really problematic when Linux binaries call getpwent() or something to lookup the passwd database (to make “dot-files” in home dirs), because Linux ABI know nothing about LDAP users. Flash plugin is almost OK without getpwent(), but Acrobat and Skype aren’t.
But finally I found an workaround today!
The workaround is:
– Just make /compat/linux/etc/passwd, without encrypted passwords,
– and it’s instantly available by “getent passwd | awk -F: “{ if($4==OUR_GID) print $1}” ” !!
