FPT’10, Day 3

[Obstacle-free Two-dimensional Online-Routing for Run-time Reconfigurable FPGA-based Systems]
State-of-art “Bus Macro”.
Wire を予約しておいて使えるようにすればよい。
– Virtex-II and 4: soe restrictions in the switch
– V5: heterogeneous routing fabric (not very suitable)
– V6: suitable, but only very few wires available.
Virtex-II の実装例。
Register at input and output of wire.
Pong のゲーム本体と、入力用モジュールとかで実例を出している。
Suitable for lower throughput, but 100MBaud – 70 audio channels or 41 CIF video frames.
[The Effect of Multi-bit Based Connections on the Area Efficiency of FPGAs Utilizing Unidirectional Routing Resources]
[ATB: Area-Time Response Balancing Algorithm for Scheduling Real-Time Hardware Tasks]
これからは Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration が大事だぜー。
[Dynamic Scheduling Monte-Carlo Framework for Multi-Accelerator Heterogeneous Clusters]
去年 american option pricing using Monte-Carlo で FPT best paper を取ったらしい。
Collaborative FPGAs+GPUs+CPUs in a cluster.
dynamic sub-task scheduling.
example: GARCH asset simulation. 33.8x speedup. FPGA + GPU + 2 CPUs
