Crosscompiling Boost C++ library with MinGW libraries (on MacOS X): updated.
I have:
– MinGW toolkit (gcc and binutils) and libraries in /Users/yasu/mingw/
– GTK and related libraries including ZLIB and BZ2LIB in /Users/yasu/mingw/GTK/
– bjam for MacOS X, installed by MacPorts
I need:
– boost-regex
– boost-iostreams
– boost-filesystem
And here’s how I got them:
% cd boost_1_35_0
% vi tools/build/v2
using gcc : 4.2 : i386-pc-mingw32-g++-4.2.1 : <compileflags>-I/Users/yasu/mingw/GTK/include <linkflags>-L/Users/yasu/mingw/GTK/lib ;
% bjam -sTOOLS=gcc -sGXX=g++ –with-regex –with-filesystem –with-iostreams install –prefix=/Users/yasu/mingw –build-type=complete
Mmm, bjam syntax is something cool, but difficult for me…
And just one more thing, we need to run runlib prior to use the libraries. For example:
% i386-pc-mingw32-ranlib libboost_regex-mgw42.a