SBML Workshop ’05 [Oct.24]

本日も長いので全文は excerpt に。

[ Restructuring the SBML Processs (M.Hucka) ]
Version, Level に加えて Issue をつける?
Version: Major architectural change
Level: small modifications
Issue: result of acceptance of errata
[ Issues with SBML L2V2 (A.Finney) ]
SBML element の attribute として Issue をつける
About SBase:
Need to support multiples of
– note: difficult to merge html
– annotation: separating XML structures from different applications not easy
– definitionURL: more than one ‘is_a’ association
ううむ、annotation が複数とかになったら読むのしんどくないかな。あーあうー。
– Keep but deprecate reserved namespaces for annotations
– not allowed to redefine default namespace for inside of annotation
– use single element for single namespace
– definitionURL -> definitionURI
